100% Pass with Microsoft MTA 98-366 actual questions

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Many of our customers claim that the Microsoft study materials included in our study guide are a great compliment to our already popular Microsoft MTA 98-366 actual questions. Examgood panel of IT professionals and experts updates Microsoft exam regularly in order to provide Microsoft of Microsoft MTA 98-366 actual questions.If you have Microsoft MTA 98-366 actual questions, your path will be easier to get one. You sometimes overlook the potentialities of the Microsoft. With Microsoft MTA 98-366 actual questions, you Microsoft really get into the mode regarding Microsoft 98-366 exam real exam environment.
Share some MTA 98-366 exam questions and answers below.
A network device that associates a Media Access Control (MAC) address with a port is a: 
A.DSL modem. 
Answer: D

A Layer 2 device that connects multiple computers within a network is a: 
Answer: B

Connecting to a private network address from a public network requires: 
A.network address translation (NAT). 
B.Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). 
C.Network Access Protection (NAP). 
D.dynamic domain name system (DDNS). 
Answer: A

Which of the following represents a Media Access Control (MAC) address? 
Answer: C

A cable that meets the lOOOBaseT standard has a maximum length of: 
A.100 m. 
B.250 m. 
C.500 m. 
D.1,000 m. 
Answer: A 

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